Inkjet & Digital Printing

InPrint 2014 – The Future of Print Trade Shows?

Monday 28. April 2014 - InPrint Ambassadors Open the first InPrint Show

Being part of the team that launched and ran InPrint 2014 was a pleasure. The event surpassed all of our expectations. Exhibitors and visitors alike praised the event, the content, concept and the focus of the show. And the outcome even surprised us to be honest.
Sure, the figures and trends for industrial printing were always reassuring. Exhibitors, who had boundless energy and enthusiasm for this launch show also provided us with confidence. Our registration numbers mounted nicely, but it isn’t really until you open the show and people walk through the doors that you really know.
InPrint didn’t just deliver the right number of visitors. It also attracted a set of people that exhibitors hadn’t met at any other show, nor will they likely meet. We had always aimed to create a unique event. We did not want to create yet another graphics, commercial or label printing show. We wanted to launch a true innovation that brought together a previously disparate and disconnected community of people who had nothing in common other than their need for print technology to help them to manufacture their products. And the great success of InPrint proved that print technology can fuse together a wide range of industries that had only previously had their own vertical shows in which to source innovation on a broad scale.
InPrint attracted visitors from a wide variety of sectors including: aeronautic, automotive, ceramics, fashion, glass, packaging, labels, plastics, graphics , pharmaceutical, electronics, interior decoration and surface imaging. The event pulled in people from industrial print production companies but also people from companies such as Nike, Airbus and Ferrari, just to mention three that we know of from our chats with exhibitors at the show.
Dave Fordham publisher of Specialist Printing and Glass Print Worldwide wrote to us, “I don’t recall ever witnessing a more positive response to a launch show, and I’m sure that’s testament to your innovative approach and collective hard work. All exhibitors we spoke to were delighted with the quality and quantity of visitors over the three days. Specialist Printing Worldwide was very pleased to be official international journal of InPrint and exclusive publisher of the official show guide; we received a very positive response to InPrint from readers and advertisers alike”.
It is nice to get such positive feedback. It appears the timing was right for a new show that tackled a new focus for print technology.
Exhibitors also provided universal praise for this exciting launch event.
Here is some of the feedback from some of our sponsors:
“InPrint more than exceeded our expectations and was the perfect platform for the launch of our Xaar 1002 AMp printhead developed for Advanced Manufacturing applications. We have met many people from disparate industries interested in learning about the latest technology developments and exploring new manufacturing opportunities. Industrial inkjet is transforming the manufacture of various products across many markets and the buzz at InPrint proves that this is the right event at the right time. The future is very exciting.” Mark Alexander, Xaar
“InPrint 2014 can be described as the right show at the right time. The interest from the industry has been exceeding our expectations with a very busy Agfa stand as a result. This is the kind of shows where you don’t mind having missed lunch.” Tom Cloots, Agfa
“Fujifilm showed ink, printhead and systems integration technology at InPrint and the show was an outstanding success with keen interest shown by a great many new customers.” Jon Harper-Smith, Fujifilm
“We found the show most useful, with high quality leads from decision makers across a range of industries. This was exactly what we had hoped for from InPrint, and we feel our investment as a founding sponsor was well justified. We look forward to InPrint 2015!” Tim Phillips, Xennia
“Being an ambassador means that you have to believe in innovation. Industrial print is not only on the rise in the graphics industry, but also in many other vertical markets. The organizers of InPrint2014 have therefore picked their momentum perfectly to organise InPrint 2014. The Mimaki booth was buzzing with many new high quality vendors interested in the industrial print applications. The close proximity of Hannover Messe 2014 also enabled us to reach out to other markets and introduce them to the benefits print has to offer. InPrint 2014 has proven to be a new venture for the print industry, challenging the imagination of attendees, Mimaki is proud to have been its ambassador.” Mike Horsten, Mimaki
So what is next for InPrint?
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