Business News

Domtar partners with First Book to support literacy for children in need

Thursday 27. September 2012 - Domtar contribution includes support for new book purchases, book sponsorship, and more as part of national program

Domtar Corporation (NYSE: UFS) (TSX: UFS) today announced that it is teaming up with the Washington, D.C.-based non-profit organization First Book to put over 20,000 new books in the hands of children in need.
Domtar will be providing a total of $25,000 in grants among ten schools and community programs located near Domtar facilities across the United States. The communities include Addison, Illinois; Ashdown, Arkansas; Owensboro, Kentucky; Plymouth, North Carolina and Rock Hill, South Carolina. These schools and programs can use their Domtar grants at the First Book Marketplace, a website that provides high-quality, age-appropriate children’s books and educational materials at prices 50-90% below retail.
“We invest in projects like First Book that promote education and emphasize literacy as part of our company commitment to supporting the sustainable development of our communities,” noted Domtar President and CEO, John D. Williams.”The fact that we are partnering with an organization like First Book means that the right books go to the right children in the right place.”
In addition to the grants, Domtar will sponsor 5,000 copies of the book Recycle This Book: 100 Top Children’s Book Authors Tell You How to Go Green, edited by Dan Gutman and published by Yearling Books, to be added to the First Book Marketplace website and distributed throughout First Book’s network of schools and community programs. This book gives students 100 ideas on how they can help change the world.
“We’re excited about this partnership with Domtar, and thrilled that they’ve stepped up to help children in need across the country get the books and resources they need to succeed,” said Kyle Zimmer, President and CEO of First Book.
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