
Open House Flexo at Bobst Bielefeld, Germany – Celebration of the 26th sale of a BOBST F&K 20SIX CI flexo press

Tuesday 04. September 2012 - On the occasion of an Open House on October 9 and 10, Bobst Bielefeld is celebrating the 26th sale of the new platform-based F&K 20SIX CI press, formally first introduced at drupa 2012.

Featuring print widths up to 1’650 mm, repeats up to 1’200 mm, and speeds up to 600 m/min, the models of the F&K 20SIX are designed to cover the whole range of packaging printing demands. Fastest change-over capability and an array of technologies all aimed at enhancing productivity, make the F&K 20SIX an investment with an excellent return. The machine that will be on demonstration during the 2-days event will be a 10-colour F&K 20SIX CS model with an 800 mm repeat and a printing width of 1’250 mm.
Along with the new CI press model, Bobst Bielefeld will be presenting their unique ‘smart’ solutions for offline set-up: the well-established smartGPS(TM) for offline impression and registration setting, and the prototype of the revolutionary smartCOL(TM) colour matching system. smartCOL(TM) checks the ink prior to introduction into the machine, prompts necessary changes and makes sure the ink is truly ‘press ready’. When using these BOBST ‘smart’ technologies, printers can be sure to reduce wasted substrate and time next to zero and achieve an unparalleled process consistency whilst dramatically increasing press uptime.
In addition to the ‘smart’ solutions, as a world premiere, Touch2Go, BOBST’s new on-press solution for impression and registration will be showcased. Touch2Go is a highly efficient optical on-press solution that dramatically reduces waste during the set-up process.
LEO (Low Energy Operation)
Last but not least, the 10 colour press on demonstration is featuring the new LEO (Low Energy Operation) system specially developped for the 20SIX series. LEO includes a number of technologies and features for reduced consumption of energy, ink, and solvent thereby considerably reducing the carbon footprint.
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