Thursday 21. April 2011 - New Products "Powder Interior Coating"
The Obrist Company is showing its newest development in powder coated interior coatings
applied to aluminium tube samples.
The advantages of powder interior coating:
Solvent free
Clean: low CO2 output
Product barrier 100%
Recyclable 100%
Smooth and consistent application of lacquer
No blistering
BPA free
The tubes are displayed as prototypes. A commercial production is still pending investment of the appropriate production machine.
“Aluminium-Tubes with security ink”
Counter feits of branded products are also an important subject within the world of tubes. The pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries are especially exposed to such actions. It would be nice to have a protection for such cases.
The Obrist Company has the solution for you. A special ink applied to the tube can proof through identification that the ink is the special ink applied and therefore being the original tube. The identification is made with a small hand held electronic device which is pointed at the ink. An electronic signal will indicate if the ink is false.
The tubes shown are prototypes samples and/or enquires on request.
Growth by acquisition
At the end of March the Obrist company took over of the traditional Swiss family firm “ AG” (Tubenfabrik Bischofszell). AG produces the same products, aluminium tubes and aluminium cartridges, and is therefore a welcome and natural addition to the Obrist Company. With this 100% acquisition the company strengthens its strategy to keep and expand in aluminium packaging as a specialist and core business. With a total output capacity now of approx. 260 million units Obrist moves up the scale to a top supplier in this area. Until further notice, production will continue at both plants.