CTP - Computer to Plate

RP Printers makes CtP debut with Suprasetter 52

Friday 15. April 2011 - RP Printers (Birmingham) is making its debut in CtP with a Suprasetter 52 from Heidelberg. The company previously used a good and well-priced local platemaker who gave impeccable service. However, current turnround requirements and the need for overall control has made the adoption of an in-house facility the right route forward.

“We have gone beyond quick turnround to instant and when next day is not good enough you have to be able to make your plates in-house,” says managing director Tony Hill. “We have the skills already. Our design team can just press a different button and output to the CtP device rather than the digital printer. It’s very straightforward.”
Currently the company is using about 500 plates a month to feed its one-, two-, four- and five-colour B3 Heidelberg presses but it believes the volume will increase with the demand for shorter runs. It rejected any thought of buying secondhand equipment because of quality concerns so the buying decision came down to just two suppliers.
“In 37 years of operation all our presses have been from Heidelberg so they did have an advantage but we had to be sure they were competitively priced and we were happy that this investment represents good value for money,” says Mr Hill.
The Suprasetter 52 is a thermal imaging device which produces plates of predictable quality and fit and which could be upgraded to B2 or 74cm plate size if required.
RP Printers (Birmingham) still handles jobbing work, including numbering and perforating and even letterpress as well as litho, but most of its work tends to be the full colour, high end rapid delivery type contracts. The company is based in the Sparkbrook area of Birmingham.

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