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SGIA/PDAA Showcases Graphics Installers at GlobalShop this Month

Monday 21. March 2011 - Master Certified installers present opportunities for the retail market at booth 2255

SGIA and PDAA (Professional Decal Application Alliance) will exhibit at the annual GlobalShop retail trade show (Las Vegas; March 28-31, 2011) to showcase PDAA’s Master Certified installers, who can be found through the “Find an Installer” search.
GlobalShop is the largest store design and at-retail marketing trade show in the US. Attendees are encouraged to stop by booth 2255 to learn about PDAA Master Certified installers and how they can perform all of their installation needs — and how retailers can locate them using the PDAA “Find an Installer” search.
“By exhibiting at this high-profiled retail event, PDAA will harness a valuable link between those involved in retail display and highly qualified graphics installers who serve them,” said Dan Marx, SGIA’s vice president of markets and technologies. “It’s a connection that both eases the installation process and brings high-quality, reliable results.”

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