Business News

2010 SGIA Expo Registration Already Surpasses 2009

Wednesday 22. September 2010 - More than 18,000 imaging professionals expected to fill the Expo floor

SGIA is gearing up for the 2010 Expo (Las Vegas, October 13-15), which will showcase the most diverse range of specialty imaging trends and technologies. The number of pre-registered attendees has soared above the 2009 trade show – and continues to rise.

“Expo attendees have the opportunity to experience the broadest range of advancing, creative applications and total imaging solutions that are driving the specialty imaging industry,” said Michael Robertson, SGIA’s President and CEO. “Missing it would mean missing the chance to improve your business in every way.”

As of today, pre-registered attendees are exceeding last year’s number by more than 30 percent. SGIA anticipates this year’s Expo to bring in a total of approximately 18,000 imaging professionals, a conservative estimate, but a 20 percent increase in attendance compared to 2009.

Additionally, interest in SGIA educational programs has increased dramatically. Registration for the hard-hitting seminars has more than doubled from 2009, and there is overwhelming interest for SGIA’s first-ever Pre-Expo Business Development Conference on Tuesday, October 12.
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