Business News

Trim Waste Management, LLC to exhibit at Labelexpo Americas

Tuesday 14. September 2010 - Trim Waste Management, LLC (TWM) is an innovative new engineering company specializing in the design of the highest performance matrix trim removal systems. Customer service is its top priority, but they also go a giant step further. They give our customers the opportunity to realize significant savings on the highest quality systems by giving them a choice.

Visitors to the booth 3608 will learn how, in addition to providing the highest performance turnkey systems, how the company offers a System Consulting Service. A customer can hire TWM to design and engineer a system and not have to pay a mark-up on the equipment, materials or installation. TWM will design and engineer the system complete with engineered layout drawings, a bill of materials, and a highly competitive quotation from the vendors for the required materials and equipment. The customer will then be responsible for procuring the required items and the installation. This represents as much as a 37% reduction in system cost.
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