Business News
Tieto launches new advertising management service
Tuesday 07. September 2010 - IT company Tieto is now launching a new service for managing advertising bookings and production. Cross-advertising, as the system is called, is designed to handle several channels in parallel - print, online and mobile. The system also contains a self-service function for advertisers. First out in signing an agreement is WM-Media, whose publications include the newspaper Alingsås Tidning.
Tieto’s new service is one of the first that has been made available to media houses and newspapers. At WM-Media the management expect the new service to pay for itself quickly.
“We expect to make major efficiency gains with the new advertising system throughout the advertising flow,” says Willian Michelsen, CEO at WM-Media.
Apart from access to one of the market’s leading advertising systems, a large portion of the benefit lies in flexibility, i.e. the opportunity to increase and decrease the number of licences according to requirements. The business model is based on consumption-based pricing, allowing customers themselves to adapt the size of the advertising system. It can provide major efficiency gains in licence management, particularly if the need for licences decreases.
The self-service function in Cross-advertising gives private advertisers in Alingsås Tidning and the three free newspapers the company also publishes an opportunity to create their adverts themselves round the clock, online.
“This makes things simpler for our customers as well as giving them constant access to current information on proofs, advert history and other aspects,” says Michelsen.
On the corporate advertising side, WM-Media sees potential for major demand, for example among funeral directors who require complete control over their proofs prior to printing.