CTP - Computer to Plate
alfaQuest Installs Esprit Violet CTP at Six Newspaper Operations
Monday 26. July 2010 - alfaQuest Technologies is pleased to announce the following newspaper installations of their Esprit violet CTP systems and CTP Workflow to:
St. Albans (VT) Messenger
Alexander City (AL) Outlook
Burlington (CO) Record
Sandusky (OH) Register
Imperial (NE) Republican
Vicksburg (MS) Post
The alfaQuest CTP systems are equipped with state-of-the-art imaging technology and use a highly reliable opto-mechanical system, which guarantees precision plate alignment and positioning, ensuring accurate repeatability for color registration.
The alfaQuest CTP configurations offer the lowest investment and support prices of any violet CTP. Violet laser technology offers dramatically less energy consumption than any of the thermal devices.
Less green from your pocket more green for the planet.