Finishing & Screen Printing
Vale buckles up to boost output
Thursday 03. June 2010 - Vale Press has invested in a fully automated TH 56 Heidelberg Stahlfolder, colourfully described as the "spaceship of folding" by Heidelberg finishing specialist Andy Buck.
“I came to Ipex to buy a folder and it came down to two suppliers but Heidelberg secured it because of the lovely reindeer on the stand….well actually because of the build quality, the engineering, the service and the retained value,” says Tom Stowe, director of Vale Press.
The company chose the buckle machine because of its versatility and ability to handle a wide range of work including high volumes of pharmaceutical style folds that the company produces. The company describes its folder operator Tony Power as “brilliant”, a man who has been folding for 40 years and is highly experience. He is very impressed by the machine, which represents an investment of close to £100,000. Its easy to use, flexible and productive.
Based in the Cotswolds, close to Broadway, the company employs 15 staff and offers a wide ranging print service to a broad range of customers from across the UK, requiring print of all kinds, from business cards to full colour promotional literature.