Business News

Call for Nominations: William D. Schaeffer Environmental Award

Thursday 19. November 2009 - Printing Industries of America is seeking to honor an individual who has unselfishly made significant contributions toward environmentally sound practices in the printing industry.

Nominations for the William D. Schaeffer Environmental Award are now being accepted and due by November 30, 2009.There is no nomination fee for this program.

Established in 1990, this award is named for environmental pioneer and researcher, Dr. William D. Schaeffer, who is celebrated in the industry for his contributions to environmental issues. Past recipients of the Schaeffer Award include Mark Flannery, Marcia Kinter, Stuart McMichael, and Jeff Adrian.

Nominees must have sustained long-term efforts that resulted in successful environmental programs and improvements which contributed to one or more of the following areas:

Public relations
Continuous improvement
Compliance assistance
Regulatory issue involvement
Pioneering efforts

The Schaeffer Award recipient will receive an engraved plaque and be honored before a prestigious group of peers and industry leaders during the National Environmental Health and Safety (NEHS) Conference, March 15-17, 2010, in Indianapolis, IN.
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