Mailing Bureau Chooses PrintNet for TransPromo
Wednesday 05. August 2009 - GMC Software Technology, the standard in personalized communication, today announced that mailing bureau PHD Mail Ltd has chosen PrintNet software from GMC Software Technology to offer TransPromo capabilities and other improved services for its clients
PHD, based in Burton on Trent, specializes is transactional billing for the business-to-business sector, producing in excess of 40 million transactional documents a year. Its current customers range from trade distribution companies to the brewing and telecoms sectors.
It has a mixed technology environment including Linux, Windows and AIX operating system, PHD Mail Ltd, previously relied on a range of methodologies for document production including hands on programming in C++, C# and the use of StreamWeaver and Elixir products.
The decision to select PrintNet to improve document production and customer services was made by Information Technology Manager Stuart Murfin in conjunction with PHDs Business Development Director and the development team.
“We wanted to reduce development time for transactional document creation and offer future enhancements, including TransPromo, white space management and utilization,” he explained. “PrintNet was more cost-effective and allowed migration from both data based and print stream types of work while their TransPromo and full color printing features ensured that the product will support our future strategy.”
Initially, PrintNet is being used for one client and GMC – supported by InfoPrint Solutions, a joint venture between IBM and Ricoh, helped PHD to quickly develop this installation. This presented quite a challenge, due to the fact that the company was using Windows initially and then moving to AIX. Nevertheless, the development process took only days rather than the weeks it would otherwise have taken.
For InfoPrint, the installation was another successful milestone in its strategic, technological partnership with GMC. “We are very pleased to work with GMC with this solution for PHD. Their PrintNet software will integrate well with our Workflow solution to provide an enhanced value-added proposition for PHD Mail. This work continues to build on a great long-term relationship between InfoPrint and PHD where we are pleased to integrate new ideas and solutions into their infrastructure to support them in further developing their strategic go-to-market offerings,” said Clive Stringer, Director – Production Solutions, at InfoPrint Solutions in the UK.