
eZ Systems releases the first version of its new eZ Publish installer

Saturday 04. July 2009 - This new tool aims at giving a simple and nice way for users, developers, managers to install an eZ Publish stack on their computer.

This package includes a Mysql database, an Apache web server instance with PHP and of course eZ Publish 4.1.3 . “We are very happy to release such an installer, says Roland Benedetti Product Manager at eZ. It is a great benefit to make our software available in a few clicks for new and existing users, developers and partners. We believe that it is the perfect way to get started with eZ Publish and running it for test, evaluation or even development purposes. Enterprises and organisations looking for a content management system will find here a new reason to evaluate, consider and choose eZ Publish”.

The installer is available for both Windows and Mac systems.
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