Business News

Canon Inc. establishes Canon Institute for Global Studies and Canon Foundation

Monday 01. December 2008 - Canon Inc. today announced the establishment of the Canon Institute for Global Studies and the Canon Foundation with the aim of contributing to the development of Japan and the rest of the world.

The establishment of the two foundations commemorate Canon’s 70th anniversary in 2007 and coincide with new laws related to incorporated associations and foundations that went into effect today in Japan.

Canon was founded in 1937 by a group of young men pursuing the bold ambition of creating a Japanese domestically produced high-grade camera. Since that time, in accordance with its corporate philosophy of kyosei—living and working together for the common good—Canon, by continuously contributing to society through technology, has sought to become a company that is admired and respected around the world.

Amid the current worldwide economic slowdown and increasing uncertainty regarding the global economy, Japan faces mounting concerns regarding the country’s future, including changes in its governing structure, an aging population coupled with a declining birthrate, and problems involving social security. On a global scale, as emerging countries continue to develop, the world faces many daunting problems that have never before been experienced, including a range of food and environmental crises. To find solutions to these problems, not only are national-level responses important, but also the assumption of a multifaceted and active role based on the broad collective wisdom of mankind.

The Canon Institute for Global Studies, upon carefully assessing the future directions of Japan and the rest of the world, will investigate, analyze, and provide information from a global perspective on the challenges that stand in the way of future progress. Through the reflection of these in national policy, Canon will strive to contribute to society, and to the future development of Japan and the rest of the world.

The Canon Institute for Global Studies welcomes as its president former Governor of the Bank of Japan Toshihiko Fukui, who will apply his vast knowledge and experience toward the leadership of the Institute in its investigation and research activities in such areas as the macro economy; natural resources, energy and the environment; and foreign diplomacy and defense.

The Canon Foundation aims to contribute to the ongoing prosperity and well-being of mankind through a wide range of support activities for both organizations and individuals engaged in research, business and education in various academic fields, beginning with science and technology, as well as for cultural pursuits. Initially, the Foundation will foster leading-edge research in the areas of science and technology.

Under the leadership of Canon Inc. Adviser Toshiaki Ikoma, the Canon Foundation will provide support for basic, pioneering and creative research to contribute to the development of industry, as well as for research themes targeting solutions to a variety of problems that society is facing.

Overview of Canon Institute for Global Studies

1. Name: Canon Institute for Global Studies
2. Location: 1-5-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
3. Chairman, Supervisory Board: Fujio Mitarai, Canon Inc. Chairman and CEO
4. President: Toshihiko Fukui, Former Bank of Japan Governor
5. Basic fund: JPY 1 billion (at time of establishment)
6. Date of registration: December 1, 2008
7. Research areas: Macro economy; natural resources, energy and the environment; foreign diplomacy and defense; etc.
Overview of Canon Foundation

1. Name: Canon Foundation
2. Location: 3-30-2 Shimomaruko, Ohta-ku, Tokyo
3. Chairman, Supervisory Board: Fujio Mitarai, Canon Inc. Chairman and CEO
4. President: Toshiaki Ikoma, Canon Inc. Chief Technology Adviser
5. Basic fund: JPY 1 billion (at time of establishment)
6. Date of registration: December 1, 2008
7. Target grant areas: Creation of industrial infrastructure:
Information and electronics; machinery and precision equipment; nanotechnology and materials; applied physics and applied chemistry, etc.; and research at the cornerstone of Japan’s future industrial world
Pursuit of ideals:
Research aimed at addressing various problems facing society from frontier, welfare and sustainability perspectives
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