Business News

Knowledge Center Created While Advancing Core Values

Before safety orientation.

Monday 24. November 2008 - DuPont’s core values have been a critical part of the design of the DuPont Knowledge Center (DKC) in Hyderabad, India, since the earliest days of planning.

A key challenge the DuPont India team initially faced was that construction in India is very labor-intensive. Engaging local labor resources and complying with DuPont safety practices involved providing a safety orientation for more than 9,000 construction workers. Beyond safety training and equipment, DuPont India provided comprehensive health exams, medical treatment, and a health awareness program for the contractors.
As a result of the unwavering commitment to safety, the DKC project team achieved the significant milestone of more than 3.5 million safe hours through June 27. In total, DKC has achieved more than 4.8 million hours without a lost workday case and has a total recordable cases rate of 0.04, while completing the construction project under budget and preparing for its inauguration.

“Our objective from the beginning was to create positive change in the culture and mindset of those involved with construction,” said Homi Bhedwar, director, DKC. “The challenge was to have construction contractors and workers first accept and then embrace safety personal protective equipment as essential tools of the trade. By sharing our safety knowledge and experience with our contractors and working with them to ensure the construction practices matched DuPont safety standards, I believe we have made a lasting impact on the local construction industry and on a significant population beyond our company. “
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