CTP - Computer to Plate
DotLine GmbH – CTP” growing in a broader sense
Friday 21. November 2008 - Since summer DotLine does the R&D work and the production in a new, own factory building.
The new location offers DotLine the basic for an ongoing, balanced growth.
The established, German CTP manufacture developed during the past few months a new CTP device for 8up formats.
In the meantime the product is launched and DotLine received the first orders, next to others from the growing market in India.
The manual device works format flexible and is able to expose 2up, 4up and 8up plates.
The main specifications:
Data input: 1 BIT TIFF G4 – you can drive the device with all standard RIPs
Media: Photopolymer offset plates (aluminium based) 405 nm, also “chemfree”
Max. plate format: 1050mm X 850mm
Min. plate format: 500mm X 400mm
Resolution: 2400 dpi / 2540dpi
Troughput: 6,6cm/sec > approx. 20 8up plates/h
The approved technology to position and register the plate make the loading process easy, especially for 8up plates.
Different formats can be handled with out changes in the settings.
The auto registration makes it easy to use and guarantee a stable and perfect exposing result.