
World’s Biggest Book’ to be Made with DuPont Tyvek

A mock-up of the "world's biggest book."

Friday 17. October 2008 - The "world's biggest book" - "One Look at Mexico. Colors and Flavors" -- will be available in a few months and its interior pages will be made with DuPont Tyvek.

The book’s dimensions will be two meters high by two meters wide and it will be dedicated to Mexico.
“It is a privilege to be part of such an interesting project that enhances the roots of our country,” said Luz Maria Karg, leader, DuPont Nonwovens, Mexico. “When using Tyvek Graphics for printing, you are using inks that don’t produce polluting agents to the environment and require four times less material. It’s a 100 percent recyclable product.”
The book will have a paper cover made of “amate” (a pre-Hispanic artisan product) while the pages in the inside are made of Tyvek. It is expected to break the Guinness World Record for the biggest book. The current title is held by a 1.5 x 1.5-meter book in Butan.
“The idea of making the biggest book in the world excites us, partly because of its ecological dimensions, thanks to the properties of Tyvek,” said Victor Hugo Rodriguez, president of Agueda Editorial House.
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