Offset Printing

Technotrans brings smart ancillaries to Tamworth

Wednesday 24. September 2008 - Technotrans will bring a series of ancillaries designed to help printers operate more efficiently and cost-effectively to Heidelberg’s Tamworth open house (7 to 9 October).

Peter Benton, managing director of technotrans in the UK, says: “Heidelberg has elected to run with a series of our products which are environmentally sound in that they make best use of resources and cut waste and maintenance with all the cost benefits that brings. We hope we will be able to add value to the event and to respond to printer enquiries on a range of pressroom issues.”

CombiStar Pro, the top of the range ink and dampening temporising system which suits UV, low or no alcohol applications will be featured. This energy-efficient device ensures stable ink consistency and minimal ink-water adjustment.

Alcosmart is a precise means of measuring alcohol dosage and monitoring it so that the required level is maintained during production.

A mobile device which can also check dampening solution conditions – including the alcohol content, temperature, conductivity and PH – is a mobile hydrometer called Fountcheck which technotrans introduced this year. It is easy to use and displays results in one to two minutes.

Ink.line is now an industry standard and this cartridge based system for applying an even ink coverage to paper with minimal waste will be seen on presses at Tamworth. The cartridges can be recycled and many larger printers are moving to connect their ink.line systems to full bulk tanks. Both barrel- and cartridge-based systems eliminate the waste associated with skinning and remnant in ink tins.
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