Business News

DuPont Vietnam Relocates Head Office for Expansion

Lam Chuan Tan (center in red shirt) with Vietnam employees gathering at the reception area of the new office.

Monday 15. September 2008 - To maximize return on rapid growth, DuPont Vietnam has moved its headquarters to a newer and bigger office in Ho Chi Minh City.

A ribbon-cutting ceremony followed by an employee celebration inaugurated the new office, twice the size of the previous office.
DuPont established its presence in Vietnam in 1994. Since then, business and the number of employees have grown steadily. The new office can accommodate the increasing number of employees, which now is up to 80 people.
“The office move heralds a new phase of growth and development for DuPont in Vietnam,” said Lam Chuan Tan, country manager, DuPont Vietnam. “We are responding to the rapid economic growth in Vietnam.”
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