
Chile University trains students on WoodWing

Wednesday 09. July 2008 - Inaugurating a modern newsroom featuring Smart Connection Enterprise, the Communications faculty at the Catholic University of Chile (UC) took another pertinent step in the development of a training program that is setting the standard in Latin America.

The program is oriented by a bold theme — that students should prepare for professional careers by engaging in professional production. For example, they produce a newspaper that is distributed by Publimetro (Metro International). They also produce a magazine supplement that is distributed by Rolling Stone Chile. Similarly, the university partners with local media companies to deliver TV, radio and Web content.

The new newsroom is open 24/7. There are 20 workstations fully equipped for text, video and audio production. “Engaging in professional production entails working with professional tools,” commented Professor Eduardo Arriagada, one of the leaders of the university initiative. “WoodWing fits in precisely because it means our students in Santiago are using the same technology as at Stern in Germany or Time magazine in New York, as well as several Chilean newspapers,” he added.

“We view the UC as the ‘gold standard’ in communication and journalism,” said Steve Schaffran, General Manager for WoodWing Latin America, “and we are committed to working with the faculty as they move on to addressing the challenges of blended media.”
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