Newspaper & Mailroom

A packed stand at the innovator in newspaper production

Waterless with the Cortina (l) or conventional with the Commander CT(r) - both are ergonomic and flexible and deliver a raft of benefits for printers and publishers alike. This innovative compact platform from KBA defines the benchmark in newspaper production at Drupa

Saturday 07. June 2008 - New compact platform from KBA defines the benchmark

When it comes to developing and implementing new concepts for newspaper production, KBA has long been acknowledged as an industry mover and shaker with a penchant for the unconventional. We were bringing the first major nine-cylinder satellite presses on stream while others were still promoting the ten-cylinder system, and our Commander 6/2 was the first triple-wide press on the market.

The minigap blanket plates developed for our Compacta presses in the mid-1990s have now been adopted by others.
If there were no pioneers, there would be no advances. Early robotic systems for changing the plates on newspaper presses were unveiled by KBA on an Express tower press back at Drupa 1995, then at Drupa 2000 we launched the PlateTronic automatic plate changers which have since proven their superior performance hundreds of times over on the compact KBA Cortina and Commander CT. Our new compact platform has become the de facto standard for the newspaper industry in terms of cost efficiency, ergonomics, ecology and flexibility. Other products on the market may appear to be equally compact (or merely trumpeted as such), but cannot compare with our revolutionary pair, the Cortina and Commander CT. This is an open secret among newspaper printers, who are constantly on the watch for new ideas in order to raise their competitive profile in a fiercely contested media market. Which is why they are flocking to our stand day after day.
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