Business News

Jürgen Schönhut Memorial

Tuesday 19. February 2008 - CIP4 International Print Production Innovation Award

2008 Application
The International Cooperation for the Integration of Process in Prepress, Press and Postpress (CIP4) association annual identifies printer , publisher , or prepress service for the best cost/benefit realization as a result of process automation implementation. This application may be submitted by the printer, publisher or a prepress service, or by one of their supporting vendors on their behalf. The award is given to the printer, publisher, or prepress service representative identified in the application and a certificate acknowledging the award is given to each vendor identified in detail in the award application. Awards are given out individually by a representative of CIP4 (Advisory Board or Staff) at the winner’s location and will be announced to the CIP4 membership and the international trade media.
Submission and Deadline
This file is the application and all applications must be submitted in MS Word format (Word 98 or better), and fol-lowing the outline below, to not later than 20 March 2008. Applications should not exceed 10 pages, with the exclusion of the contact information and associated graphics, screen shots or other imagery. The use of photo images, drawings, charts and illustrations is encouraged. Please only use Arial/Helvetica fonts for headers and Times Roman/Times New Roman fonts for body copy and embed images into the file directly.
By submitting this application, all parties to the application transfer copyright ownership to all text, images, illustra-tions, charts, drawings, photos and other content to CIP4, which will publish winning and competitive applications to the general public and the trade media and no information provided is in anyway confidential or represents trades secrets.
You are encouraged to submit your application early. The Secretariat and Executive Director of CIP4 will review all applications for completeness and will return incomplete applications. Returned applications may be resubmitted prior to, but not after the deadline. All completed applications will be reviewed by the CIPPI Awards Review Panel, which consists of five Judges and one non-voting chair. The Review Panel will select first place winners and, where applicable, second place winners and will submit their selections to the CIP4 Advisory Board for ratification.
The award is given to the printer, publisher, or prepress service representative identified in the application and a certificate ac-knowledging the award is given to each vendor identified in detail in the award application. Awards will be given out on the evening of June 4th at a CIPPI Awards Reception that will be held in the drupa Innovation parc during drupa 2008. Both the winner and supporting vendors will be given the opportunity to purchase additional copies of the award (image above right). The Review Panel judges may select an application for one of more of the following CIPPI awards:
• First & Second Place — Best cost/benefit realization and improvement in efficiency as a result of process automation implementation
• First & Second Place — Biggest improvement in quality production & customer responsiveness as a result of process automation
• Most innovative use of process automation technology in an implementation
Furthermore, based upon the address list on the application for the candidate printer’s, publisher’s or prepress service’s offices, the Review Panel judges will select an annual CIPPI award winner for Best Process Automation Implementation for the fol-lowing regions:
• Best Process Automation Implementation — Europe
• Best Process Automation Implementation — North America
• Best Process Automation Implementation — Asia Pacific
• Best Process Automation Implementation — Emerging Markets *
* The interpretation of “Emerging Markets” is at Review Panel Judge’s discretion.
Fee and Payment
A fee of $150 (U.S. Dollars) must be submitted with this application and applications will not be considered until the fee is received by CIP4.
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