
Océ Document Technologies at CeBIT under a new name

Thursday 14. February 2008 - Captaris Document Technologies presents document core technologies

Since January 2008, Océ Document Technologies is called Captaris Document Technologies and a wholly owned subsidiary of the US company Captaris Inc. The company from Constance sends out a clear message at CeBIT 2008: input management and the optimization of business processes for companies and public authorities will continue to be the focus of the development activities.

The portfolios of Captaris Inc. and Captaris Document Technologies perfectly complement each other. “For us, it basically means that only our corporate image is changing, but that we will continue to concentrate on input management and the optimization of document-centric business processes”, explains Johannes Schacht, Marketing Manager at Captaris Document Technologies. And he adds: “The new owner allows us to focus even more on decentralized capturing solutions in the future.”

The company will introduce the latest version of its mailroom processing solution at the trade show. Mail CENTER is a non-sector-specific and fully customizable solution based on the following standard software products: RecoStar, DOKuStar and Single Click Entry. The solution automatically captures and extracts all relevant data from scanned images of documents and forwards them to specific recipients, a relevant section or to an associated business process for further processing.

The same applies to the Invoice CENTER. The system is specifically designed for the processing of incoming invoices and is available in two versions with different characteristics: Invoice CENTER for SAP supports the entire invoice processing cycle from invoice receipt to payment. All process steps are controlled by the SAP business workflow. The solution also provides for the processing of electronic invoices.

Invoice CENTER Capture automates the invoice processing capturing tasks (scanning and extracting) and forwards the data to an already existing workflow system.

Solutions for public authorities

Thanks to the development of further pre-configured solutions for contracting authorities, Captaris Document Technologies has significantly expanded its product range for public authorities. The company has, for instance, developed a comprehensive solution for the processing of medical benefit applications, including document scanning, document classification and data extraction as well as the automated verification of the doctor’s bill. In addition, a solution will be presented that has been specifically developed for the automated processing of tax forms and documents. It scans the income tax returns, extracts the data and forwards them to the assessment system.
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