Finishing & Screen Printing

Wide range of products and widely varying circulations – a case for the Bolero

The best solution for Domus Technology: two Boleros for the processing of a wide range of perfect-bound products with widely varying circulations.

Friday 01. February 2008 - Within four months, Domus Technology, based in Limbiate near Milan, commissioned two new Muller Martini Bolero perfect binding lines. One of the machines produces only magazines, while the other manufactures book blocks for hardcover books.

A look into the machine room of Domus Technology, established in 2004, will give an idea of how industrious this company is. Besides eight thread sewing machines and two hardcover lines, no less than nine perfect binding lines are in use in a two-shift operation. Eight out of nine perfect binders are Muller Martini products – and two out of these eight are new Boleros commissioned in May and September 2007.

Higher flexibility
The first Bolero line, equipped with a 24-station gathering machine, Asir 3, end sheet feeder, gate folding station, Merit S three-knife trimmer and CB-16 book counter stacker, replaced an old Normbinder. The second Bolero line, equipped with a 27-station gathering machine, Asir 3, Zenith S three-knife trimmer and a CB-16 book counter stacker, was installed in place of a Corona. Domus Technology was still satisfied with its Corona, “but the high-performance perfect binding line no longer fit our job requirements”, explains Stefano Lonati, general manager of Domus Technology. “Our jobs are becoming increasingly diversified. This is the reason why we looked for a machine with shorter changeover times and quick size change.”

Domus Technology, specializing in print finishing, usually processes orders with large circulations, such as the two million catalogues for an English department store. Recently, the range of books, catalogues and brochures has increased in both circulation and size. “The two Boleros are the best solution for the production of the wide range of perfect-bound products with widely varying circulations”, says Stefano Lonati.

Thick books as a specialty
Domus Technology often produces extra-thick softcover books. For instance, some weeks ago the company had produced a catalogue with 1,960 pages (62 signatures) resulting in a book thickness of six centimeters. The Italian edition of a high-gloss women’s magazine regularly consists of 700 pages and measures two and a half centimeters in thickness.

High-quality products are one of Domus Technology’s domains. “This is the reason why we need first-class machines”, says Stefano Lonati. “We have had good experiences with regard to quality, reliability and set-up of the Bolero. After a short in-house training session, our machine operators were quickly familiar with the new Muller Martini models.”

Book blocks for book lines
While one of the Boleros produces only magazines, the other manufactures book blocks for hardcover books. This is the reason why Domus Technology has built up a reputation as a specialist in the production of large-size books. Stefano Lonati proudly shows two sets of encyclopedias – one comprised of 62 volumes and the other of 100 volumes.

For first-class softcover and hardcover products, Domus often acts as a general contractor. Stefano Lonati says: “We support our customers from layout to print-finishing and have the books printed at partner companies.”
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