
Siemer Kartonagen installs a BOBST EXPERTFOLD 110

Friday 14. December 2012 - By installing a BOBST EXPERTFOLD 110, Siemer Kartonagen has raised its folding box manufacturing capability to a new level.

At the end of October 2012, Ernst Siemer Kartonagen GmbH, a company based in Laatzen near Hanover, Germany, put into service a BOBST EXPERTFOLD 110 folder-gluer. With this investment decision, taken during drupa 2012, the full-range service supplier, which can look back on more than 100 years of activity, has increased its productivity in this important process stage and simultaneously extended its service offering to its customers. What is more, with the EXPERTFOLD 110, Siemer Kartonagen can guarantee that its customers – most of whom are manufacturers of branded organic goods – will benefit from flawless production.
“We wanted to be able to deliver large runs faster and guarantee that our customers always receive perfect quality. In addition, the market is now demanding more folding box variants than ever before,” says Maren Grondey, explaining the key motivating factors for the decision. “BOBST has been a specialist in the packaging market for decades,” adds Laura Grondey, to indicate one of the main reasons why the company chose the Swiss machine manufacturer to help it in its folding box production operations. “This can also be seen in the sophisticated design, the modular construction and the ease of operation of the EXPERTFOLD 110”. As managing partner at Siemer Kartonnagen, Laura Grondey primarily deals with technical aspects, while her sister Maren, who is also a managing partner, tends to look after the commercial side of operations.
“With the EXPERTFOLD 110, we boast state-of-the-art production capacity and can pull out all the stops when manufacturing folding boxes for our customers,” says Laura Grondey, summing up her experience of the first few weeks of the folder-gluer’s operation. With this aim in mind, the machine was configured accordingly and equipped with a number of modules that are not present in the basic version. For example, one of the additional options Siemer Kartonagen chose for its EXPERTFOLD 110 was the innovative CAPACITY FOLDER – an add-on mechanism for the production of shipping envelopes with filling heights from 2 to 15 mm that BOBST supplies as an option with its folder-gluers. This means that the company can now manufacture shipping envelopes of this type in-line. Additional versatility is also provided by the PLASMA TREATER which uses plasma technology to optimize the adherence of glue onto metalized, UV-coated, laminated and plastic-based packaging. Consequently, this module reduces adhesive consumption while guaranteeing perfect glued results and makes it possible to use economically priced dispersion adhesives.
The EXPERTFOLD 110 can process paper, cardboard and semi-rigid plastics with a grammage of up to 800 g/m2 at speeds of up to 450 m/min and offers maximum flexibility thanks to the WONDERFOLD independent rotating folding hook.
The installation of this machine forms part of a comprehensive investment strategy by means of which Laura and Maren Grondey intend to upgrade large parts of their technical equipment to meet the current state of the art and extend the range of market-oriented services they offer.
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