Business News

Printing for the United Kingdom

Thursday 05. July 2012 - Barely halfway through the year, the biggest bestseller of 2012 already seems certain: the 'Fifty Shades' trilogy by E. L .James is breaking all kinds of records. In the U.S., the book series sold more than ten million copies in the first six weeks after its release. And the three volumes are proving an absolute money-spinner in Britain too.

Since its launch in late April, sales have been so huge that Random House UK is now having English-language books printed at GGP Media in Pössneck as well, because British printers can no longer keep up with customer demand. “Thanks to the tireless efforts of our entire staff, we have produced a total of 3.5 million books for the British market in recent weeks,” says Christine Bergmann, Sales Manager Books at GGP Media, who is happy about the unexpected additional business. She is also optimistic about the future, because even before the official launch of the first volume in Germany on 9 July “Fifty Shades of Grey” is already high on the bestseller lists. “We are producing the books for Random House in Germany, too. If the trilogy is as successful here as in the U.S. and UK, our presses will have more than enough to do in July as well.”
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