Business News

The Newsweek Daily Beast Company Announces Jane Harman as Director

Friday 22. April 2011 - The Newsweek Daily Beast Company today announced that former congresswoman Jane Harman will assume the seat of the organization's late Executive Chairman Dr. Sidney Harman on their Board of Directors. Barry Diller is now Executive Chairman of the Company.

Jane Harman, the former U.S. Representative for California’s 36th congressional district, is currently President and CEO of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. Of her assumption of the board seat for The Newsweek Daily Beast Company, Ms. Harman said, “I have agreed to represent the Harman family’s fifty percent interest in Newsweek and The Daily Beast and to join Barry Diller on the Board. The Harman family fully endorsed Sidney’s vision to save and restore Newsweek, and to merge it with The Daily Beast. We are so pleased with the progress to date. As a Director, I will work to support the best of journalism – in print, digital, and mobile. Our family will remain actively engaged and totally committed to the success of this enterprise.”
Ms. Harman’s role as Director is effective immediately.
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