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Cal Poly’s Graphic Communication Department Announces Second Run for Inaugural Title

Friday 22. April 2011 - Cal Poly’s Graphic Communication Institute (GrCI) announced a second print run of "She Cried for Mother Russia," the novel that launched its commercial book printing student enterprise less than two years ago.

The book is a product of Cal Poly’s student-run and -managed experiential printing and publishing company, University Graphic Systems. Proceeds will benefit Cal Poly’s English and Graphic Communication Departments, as did the first, sold-out print run.
A cooperative effort, the book was authored by Friedl E. Semans Bell, whose father was the first dean of Humanities at Cal Poly, edited by Kathryn Rummell, chair of Cal Poly’s English Department, and designed by professors Lorraine Donegan and Brian Lawler of the Graphic Communication Department.
The book is a story of Russian princess Tatiana Volkonsky, who narrowly escaped death from marauding Bolsheviks after the Russian Revolution in 1917. It has captivated descendants of that era, residents of the Central Coast of California, and history buffs from around the world.
Traumatized by the horrors of her flight, Princess Volkonsky began a new life in San Luis Obispo, Calif., but was unable to share her painful memories with family or friends. In 2005, twenty years after her death, documents were found that unlocked the mystery of Tatiana’s unspeakable past. Bell grew up across the street from the princess. In the book, he pieces together her friend’s extraordinary journey and subsequent life as a refugee in a tribute to this remarkable Central Coast resident.
“This is a book about intrigue, perseverance, and relationships,” said Harvey Levenson, department head of Cal Poly’s Graphic Communication Department and project manager. “It is a must-read for anyone interested in San Luis Obispo, Cal Poly or Russian history. It also makes a great gift.
“In an era when printed books are facing increased competition from eReaders and electronic books, “She Cried for Mother Russia” has a particular appeal due to its beautifully designed and reproduced cover, and the high quality paper on which the book is printed,” continued Levenson. “It is archival-like and will be long-lasting. This book has a look and feel that can only be appreciated in print. I am proud of the collaboration that took place between professors and students in publishing this book.”
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