
The KÖRBER MEDIPAK Group presents techno-logical highlights for integrated packaging solutions

Monday 18. April 2011 - Interpack 2011: The highlights at a glance

– New: MediSeal White-Line – a new packaging and logistics concept for blis-ters
– New: Dividella NeoTOP 804Triple Mode Topload cartoner
– MediSeal PUMA300 blister line
– MediSeal LA600 SP stick pack machine
– MediSeal LA160 edge-seal sachet machine
– Rondo Tamper Evidence and Pharma DDS
– New: Rondo folding boxes with applied labels
– Seidenader: RIM robot-assisted inspection machine
At this year’s Interpack, the Hamburg-based KÖR-BER MEDIPAK Group is presenting technological highlights which set new standards for flexibility, automation and cost-effectiveness. For many years, the MediSeal, Dividella and Rondo companies have been market leaders in the pharma packaging systems sector and are presenting integrated cus-tomer solutions from a single source in Hall 16, Stand A25/B26. With the ground-breaking White-Line concept, the PUMA300 blister line or the NeoTOP804 Topload cartoner, the focus is on systems and concepts which provide customers with even greater flexibility in packaging, whilst simulta-neously guaranteeing the security of the entire packaging process. Rondo is presenting the latest developments in the field of packaging security.
In addition, the Seidenader company – which has been part of the KÖRBER MEDIPAK Group since early 2011 — will be exhibiting comprehensive in-spection and Track&Trace solutions in Hall 16, Stand B47, including the new RIM robot-assisted inspection machine.
The KÖRBER MEDIPAK Group unites Rondo, Dividella, MediSeal and Seide-nader under one roof; it is one of the world’s leading systems providers for pharma packaging systems. At Interpack, the Group is once more emphasising flexibility, security and an attractive price/performance ratio. “In addition to cutting-edge technology, we place great emphasis on highly flexible construction and absolute security when we design our machines”, says Gerhard Breu, CEO of KÖRBER MEDIPAK GmbH. “With our modular designs we can meet the current and future needs of our customers in terms of short changeover times or faster cleaning and falling lot sizes. At the same time our modularity principle allows us to reduce systems’ life cycle costs, as additional modules can be integrated into the overall line at any time. The greatest possible flexibility combined with guaranteed pharmaceutical security – we can offer our customers innovative solutions to these requirements.”
Highlight: MediSeal White-Line – an innovative packaging and logistics con-cept
With its range of blister lines fully optimised for fast changeovers, MediSeal has been offering solutions to increase efficiency at the level of production lines for many years. Since 2005, many customers have been using Late Stage Customi-zation (LSC), a concept which enables many small lots to be combined, thanks to customization of blisters “at the last minute”, thus increasing the OEE (Overall Equipment Efficiency) of overall production. With the White-Line, MediSeal is going one step further and introducing an approach which encompasses and optimizes the packaging and logistics concept of the whole company. Instead of a host of country-specific packaging materials and pack inserts, the White Line concept is based on “white” (blank or unprinted) materials. Both lidding films and boxes and inserts are not printed with the country-specific information until they are in the packaging line. The advantages of White-Line production are impressive. Initial customer experience shows that small lots which previously took 4 days to produce owing to the long changeover times can now be processed in just one day. The concept also allows for an extremely fast time-to-market, as production can be started almost immediately after receiving national approval. No lead time for individual films, leaflets and folding boxes is needed, as only an electronic layout is required. If the layout changes, existing inventory no longer has to be destroyed. Also, thanks to demand-based just-in-time production of the lot, the storage and depreciation costs for stored “residual lots” are reduced.
Highlight: high-tech from Dividella – NeoTOP 804Topload cartoner with Triple Mode
Our presence at the fair centres on the highly flexible NT804 TopLoading ma-chine. To meet the demand for high-output systems, the Dividella NeoTOP 804 has been enhanced by including Triple Mode configuration. This enables up to 500 syringes per minute to be packaged. This unique enhancement enables highly flexible operation, as the NeoTOP 804 can be operated in either Single Mode or Triple Mode.
In addition, the machine offers a further reduction in changeover times, an auto-matic feeder and a comprehensive monitoring system.
MediSeal presents the new PUMA300 blister line
With the PUMA300, MediSeal has developed a blister line which combines maxi-mum efficiency, outstanding flexibility and future-proofing: product excellence, upgradeability, modularity and adaptability – these are the key features of the line. Thanks to the consistent use of servo technology, the number of format parts is reduced to a new industrial reference value, reducing life-cycle costs along with production costs. The unique modular design allows the line, equipped as standard with a roller sealing system, to be fitted with an additional plate sealing system; the latter can also replace the existing roller sealing system.
MediSeal’s high-performance LA600 SP stick pack machine
This high-performance stick pack machine from MediSeal has been specifically developed for the pharmaceutical market and features consistently modular con-struction, the greatest possible flexibility and compliance with all GMP standards. On a maximum of 10 lanes, the LA600 SP on show at Interpack packages more than 600 stick packs per minute – both liquids and granulates. With a footprint of approximately five square metres, the LA600 SP is also extraordinarily compact. Apart from its modularity, the stick pack machine is also notable for its user-friendliness – with, for example, simple fill tube removal or new-to-the-market re-traction of the individual material lanes. In addition, the machine is designed to ensure that future expansion is problem-free – ensuring that the customer’s in-vestment is fully protected.
Packaging from Rondo: for increased security
The new patented Pharma DDS (Discrete Dose Slider) child-resistant pack, which has been jointly developed with Stora Enso, is particularly suitable for packaging for clinical trials. With Rondo’s likewise patented Tamper Evidence packaging, tamper evidence is integrated into the box. Also on view: the new folding boxes with applied labels. These have many advantages, e.g. the important patient information cannot get lost, because it always remains firmly bonded to the pack.
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