

Friday 15. April 2011 - New GoPrint Portal Includes EskoArtwork’s WebCenter Viewing and Approval Technology, Delivering a Powerful Web-to-Print Experience

for Hybrid Integration’s Customers.
Hybrid Integration, a leading developer of print management software for the commercial printing, labels & packaging, and specialty markets, today announced the launch of a new version of its GoPrint print management web portal. Hybrid GoPrint now provides integration with the viewing and approval technologies of EskoArtwork’s WebCenter online collaboration tool, offering a seamless user experience.
GoPrint provides a powerful, yet easy-to-use portal for printers and their customers. It provides a database of items and jobs with tracking and order history, fast file transfer capabilities to replace traditional FTP servers, and a customizable product catalog linked to an online order ticket and shopping cart. GoPrint can be easily branded for each customer to provide a familiar look and feel to users.
WebCenter is an online platform that manages pre-production approvals and project life cycle, allowing the ability to review and approve graphical content of all kinds – commercial printing, packages, labels, or any printable graphic element. Instead of transferring the full-size file to the remote browser, WebCenter sends a high-resolution view that can be scrolled, zoomed, and reviewed in detail via a full set of quality control tools that operate within the reviewer’s web browser.
By integrating the WebCenter viewer within GoPrint, Hybrid Integration has produced a powerful platform for its customers. The new solution is a web-based print management system that also delivers the powerful viewing features of WebCenter at an affordable price. As they grow, customers can always upgrade to the complete WebCenter, which is also compatible with GoPrint. Hybrid Integration’s initial sales and marketing efforts will focus on commercial and narrow web label printers throughout North America.
“EskoArtwork has a long-standing policy of partnering with leading companies who develop complementary technology solutions. Hybrid Integration is a very successful reseller of EskoArtwork software,” explains Mark Quinlan, President of EskoArtwork North America. “We are pleased to work with them to offer WebCenter viewing and approval features within GoPrint.”
Mike Rottenborn, President and CEO of Hybrid Integration, added, “The combination of the WebCenter viewing technology and GoPrint provides a best-of-breed solution for commercial and label printers, and allows them to link their customers tightly through the web. We are very pleased to be able to partner with EskoArtwork to bring this solution to market.”
GoPrint is now available in North America directly from Hybrid Integration and EskoArtwork, and through Hybrid Integration’s reseller network.
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