
UPM is supporting the Goodplanet Foundation for the pedagogical exhibitionThe Forest a living community”

Friday 08. April 2011 - For the second year, UPM is supporting the GoodPlanet foundation by providing the paper necessary for the production of educational posters on the topic "Forests, a living community." These kits will be distributed in nearly 57,000 schools and colleges of France to help teachers deal on the issues of sustainable development with their students.

“We are pleased to support the GoodPlanet campaign which coincides with the International Year of Forests, a topic that is close to our heart as a global forest company,” said Renaud de Saint André, Sales Director Merchants and Postal at UPM in France. UPM is one of the largest forest owners in the world and has since long applied sustainable forestry practises, based on forest management principles recognized internationally. UPM is developing a large program for the protection of biodiversity in its own forests. According to Renaud de Saint André, “the actions developed by GoodPlanet for environmental protection can only echo positively for a group like UPM for which the sustainable management of forests is a major concern.”
For this partnership, GoodPlanet chose wood-free coated paper UPM Finesse 200 gsm, FSC certified, which ensures that the wood fibres used for its production comes from sustainably managed forests, according to strict environmental, economic and social criteria.
UPM offers a wide range of certified papers, which are sustainable over their lifecycle: They are made of renewable raw material, they are recyclable and biodegradable, and produced using bioenergy where possible. UPM supports initiatives designed to educate the public about the protection of the environment. UPM also offers information about its forest management practices and its biodiversity program on its dedicated internet site
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