Newspaper & Mailroom
Tribune-Owned Hyperlocal News Source, TribLocal, Debuts New Online Ad Platform Across Suburban Chicago Communities
Friday 08. April 2011 - PaperG's Flyerboard Paves Way for Local Businesses to Advertise Online
TribLocal, suburban Chicago’s go-to source for real-time relevant news, has introduced an innovative new interactive ad platform called Flyerboard ( to enable small, local businesses to advertise online. Owned by the Chicago Tribune Media group, TribLocal is implementing Flyerboard into a majority of their 88 hyperlocal websites that provide comprehensive coverage of the individual communities in the Chicago suburbs.
The platform, developed by San Francisco based, local/hyperlocal-focused ad tech firm PaperG (, takes the popular concept of the cork bulletin board and repurposes it for the Web. It gives small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) an easy, inexpensive and social media-enabled vehicle to promote themselves in their local communities. For many, Flyerboard will mark their first foray into online advertising.
“We’ve noticed the success of Flyerboard in other markets and are looking forward to using it here in Chicago,” noted Bill Adee, Vice-President/Digital for the Chicago Tribune. “We expect utilization of this innovative platform to grow rapidly as more and more local Chicago merchants learn about it.”
Victor Wong, CEO of PaperG, added, “I am looking forward to working with the TribLocal team to help monetize their rich local content.”