
Quark Welcomes the Promotional Products Association International to the Association Partner Program

Tuesday 11. January 2011 - PPAI Members Receive Discounts on Thousands of Templates for Professional Marketing Material Designed to Promote Vendors in the Promotional Products Industry

Quark announced today that the Promotional Products Association International (PPAI) has joined the Association Partner Program. PPAI is a trade association made up of 8,000 member firms that are largely suppliers and distributors of promotional products and services, including specialty advertising, business gifts, premiums, incentives, awards, prizes, and commemoratives. As a part of the Association Partner Program, PPAI is able to provide its members preferred pricing on marketing material produced with, an online design and print service for entrepreneurs and small business owners.
“PPAI’s vision is to be the preeminent membership organization leading the evolving promotional products industry in growth, innovation, and success. We can do this, in part, by helping our members promote themselves,” said Blake Bozeman, Business Development Manager.
PPAI members may choose from any of the thousands of designs for brochures, business cards, coupons, postcards, data sheets, posters, and more that span over 35 industries and include hundreds of all-purpose designs.
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