Business News

Display Days in Raalte, Murder Mystery Dinner in Zwolle

Monday 06. September 2010 - Neschen Benelux and Expolinc show new products

“Display Days Benelux” will be taking place on 7/8 October in Raalte, the new headquarters of Neschen’s Dutch subsidiary. Neschen and its long-term development partner Expolinc, a Swedish-based manufacturer of display systems, will be running the event in the redesigned showroom. Those attending will be able to obtain a wide range of information on the new display features such as the practical plastic case for Pop-Ups, the coloured end caps and front rails, and the spring-loaded plastic wedges to fix the banners.

The two-day programme includes workshops and sales promotion presentations, for example display systems as a new business field for print companies. Another issue to be addressed is how important are branded products in generating more sales?

The free-of-charge event comes complete with an attractive social programme for which customers and prospective customers can register. In the course of a murder mystery dinner in nearby Zwolle, for example, diners will have to identify “whodunit”. Customers and prospective customers are warmly invited to this parlour game.
The show must go on

This is now the third major event in Raalte, following the well-attended Open Day in April and the successful laminating seminar. Heiko Kirstein, Senior Sales Manager Germany & Benelux at Neschen: “The new premises here provide us with the optimum venue for customer events and seminars. They are absolutely ideal for events such as the Display Days.”

Don’t delay
Attendance at the Display Days Benelux is free of charge (accommodation will also be provided) and is open to any interested parties. The event includes both an opportunity to discuss product information in a relaxed atmosphere and the social programme in Zwolle.

To register for one of the few remaining places, please contact Neschen Benelux’s Customer Service Dept. by phone on +31 (0)572 346000 (or by fax on +31 (0)572 346001). The address is: Neschen Benelux B.V., Heesweg 16a, 8102 HJ Raalte, Postbus 200, 8100 AE Raalte, The Netherlands.
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