Offset Printing
Hamptons in pole position with Heidelbergs ISO12647-2 certification scheme
Thursday 08. July 2010 - Hampton Printing is the first UK company to achieve ISO 12647-2 certification from Heidelberg UK which has set up a scheme to enable printers to attain and maintain the colour standard required for accreditation.
George Clarke, managing director of Heidelberg UK, visited the pristine Bristol plant to hand over the certificate and to congratulate managing director Chris Cooper and sales director Mike Malpas.
Mr Clarke says: “We are delighted that Hamptons, a Heidelberg house with a long-standing reputation for quality and colour, has attained our first certification. Production manager Dave Lawrence has worked closely and constructively with our Print Colour Management team to ensure they meet all the latest requirements laid out in the ISO 12647-2 standard. Mike Malpas, the sales director, recognises the commercial opportunities this certification opens up to them and Chris Cooper has always placed an emphasis on methodical and efficient print manufacturing. Certification helps every aspect of the business.”
Steve Fowler, colour specialist at Heidelberg, has been spear-heading the certification scheme. He explains: “Heidelberg has set up an ISO 12647-2 certification scheme because we recognised the need for a comprehensive print and proof orientated certification that fulfils the criteria of the ISO 12647-2 standard.
“Our certification scheme involves an initial consultation, implementation of our Print Colour Management service, followed by print testing and evaluation of OK and production print sheets as well as digital proofs, all of which are independently assessed in our lab in Germany. The result is credible certification that provides a true testament of a print companys ability to print to the requirements of the standard and, at the same time, demonstrates perfectly adjustable and calibrated equipment and a real commitment to colour quality control.”
The training programme and support framework built into the certification service provides and ensures on-going maintenance and upkeep of the standard. Heidelbergs certification is a big step towards accreditation.
ISO standards are a result of conclusions, best practice and scientific research from all over the world. The committee which determines the standard includes representation from bodies like Fogra, the German printing federation (bdvm), the Swiss URGA, GRAcOL from the US, graphic high schools and many other organisations and manufacturers. Heidelberg is the manufacturer with most representatives on the committee.
The certification scheme is supplied as a two year rolling contract allowing Heidelberg time to review and help the printer implement the necessary steps to attaining and retaining the required level laid down for the ISO 12647-2. The scheme costs £6,000 but printers can only become certified if they meet the required criteria and standard which is simply demonstrated by the result of the print test. There are no must have equipment prerequisites although achievement of the required print standard would be extremely difficult in the absence of spectral colour regulation device such as Inpress Control, Image Control or Axis Control.