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2010 SPIRE Meeting Delivers Intense Networking Opportunity

Friday 05. March 2010 - Industry-leading graphic producers analyze changing marketplace

The 2010 SPIRE meeting (Delray Beach, Florida; February 21-24) brought together a network of top imaging executives to discuss the changing industry marketplace and explore innovative business strategies.

“SPIRE offers a great networking opportunity,” said George Canant, President at Meisel. “We got to share experiences with other business owners and industry leaders about the issues we all faced in 2009 and then compare notes on the outlook for 2010.”

The three-day conference focused on maximizing opportunities in a competitive economy and sustainability, brand expansion, customer value and social media were all on the agenda. Industry experts discussed driving factors in the retail market and offered solutions for members to improve profitability.

Speaker Justin Doak, CEO & GreenTellingTM President of Ecoxera, addressed the market drivers that have brought change within key impact areas such as retail, and Heather Lutze, Search Engine Marketing speaker, discussed how social media communication tools will become even more important as more people employ them to build diverse networks.

“The session on social networking was really an eye opener,” said Ford Bowers, General Manager of the Graphics Center at Miller Zell. “The presentation demonstrated the extent to which our approach to marketing must be fully integrated and coherently organized across many different outlets.”

SGIA thanks the following sponsors for contributing to the meeting’s educational sessions and events: DuPont, EFI, Hewlett Packard, i-cut and FUJIFILM Sericol.

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