LFP - Large-Format-Printing

SGIA Dedicates ASPT Student Printing & Imaging Awards

Friday 29. January 2010 - Submissions are now being accepted for the 2010 competition

In memory of one of the strongest supporters of the screen printing industry, the Academy of Screen Printing Technology (ASPT) has dedicated its Student Printing and Digital Imaging Awards Competition to Tom Frecska, the late Editor of Screen Printing Magazine.

“Tom recognized the importance of the education of students in the screen printing process,” said Marci Kinter, SGIA’s Vice President of Government and Business Information. “He was a supporter of screen printing technology, and also understood, accepted and embraced the newer technologies used by our industry sector.”

Now the Tom Frecska Student Printing Competition, the annual awards honor excellent student work in the specialty imaging field. Students are encouraged to enter multiple entries in any of the 24 categories.

An Award of Excellence will be granted per category and division. Additionally, one first place winner from each division has the opportunity to be named Best of Show and will receive a Student Achievement Award plaque and a monetary prize to use toward their graphic arts education. Their sponsor school also will receive a monetary prize to use toward its graphic arts educational program.

The competition is open to all secondary and post-secondary schools holding a membership with SGIA, FESPA (Federation of European Screen Printers Associations) or ASGA (Asia-Pacific Screen Printing & Graphic Imaging Association). Eligible samples must be produced during the 2009-2010 school year and must be submitted to SGIA headquarters no later than July 16, 2010.

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