Business News

Neschen Parts Company with Archive Centres

Wednesday 04. November 2009 - Bückeburg coating specialist concentrates on its main line of business, Coating

As of 1 June Neschen AG has withdrawn from the business operations of Archive Centres / Bückeburg Conservation Process. All activities in this field were transferred to GSK – Gesellschaft zur Sicherung von schriftlichem Kulturgut, which has its registered office in Brauweiler.

With considerable expense and effort Neschen prepared the technology of industrial paper deacidification for the market and operated this division on a profitable basis. However, the activities of the archive centres in Berlin and Brauweiler near Cologne always constituted a special service within the group of companies. The activities were not part of core business, which focuses on the manufacture and distribution of self-adhesive and printable materials. The Supervisory Board and Board of Directors of Neschen AG have therefore decided to sell this division.

“By taking this step we are concentrating on our core competencies”, says Stefan Zinn, director at Neschen AG in Bückeburg. “Parting with the archive centres was not exactly easy for us because they involved a high level of commitment and ‘lifeblood’. We are placing the deacidification services in trustworthy hands that will treat them responsibly and continue to expand them.”

At the archive centres in Berlin and Brauweiler near Cologne archive records that are threatened by decay are deacidified by the “Bückeburg process” and conserved for the long term. For this extensive restoration there are excellent development potentials, for example in an extension of the product range towards bound archive records. To be able to exploit the opportunities immediately and in an appropriate manner, daily operations must focus on these activities. There must also be a high level of willingness to invest in the development of new technologies and equipment. GSK is the right investor for this.
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