
MetaCommunications Releases Workgroups 2010

Monday 28. September 2009 - The new Workgroups 2010 software suite introduces a powerful Document Organizer, a simple browser based proofing tool, an integrated Developer Center website and hundreds of new features and improvements

MetaCommunications today announced the release and immediate availability of Workgroups 2010, a major upgrade to its collaborative process and productivity management software suite for marketing, creative design, packaging and prepress workgroups. Workgroups 2010 builds upon its four core modules for project & workflow management, document review & approval, document storage management, and financial productivity management while extending its capabilities with hundreds of new features and improvements. These new features include a powerful Document Organizer, a simple browser-based proofing tool, and an integrated Developer Center community website.
Document Organizer
The powerful Document Organizer allows users to drag-and-drop any piece of digital media, including files, emails, scanned documents and attachments, into Workgroups 2010 and the system will automatically copy or move it to the correct location on the file server. This technology eliminates misplaced files and the need for users to manually navigate the file system.
“Everyone knows the pain of receiving file attachments from a customer. First you have to know where to save the files, and then you have to navigate there in the file system. Now with Document Organizers, you can select the customer’s job in Workgroups 2010 and simply drag the whole email right onto it. It’s really that simple,” said Robert T. Long, Executive Vice President of MetaCommunications.
Browser-Based Proofing Tool
Workgroups 2010 now has an optional browser-based document proofer that includes easy-to-use markup tools for annotating PDF documents and image files as part of a review. No software to install and no training required. With the new proofing tool, users can open a proof review session from a system-generated email, see other people’s comments, add annotations, and complete their reviews all through the built in proofer.
Developer Center Community Website
Concurrent with the launch of the Workgroups 2010 suite, MetaCommunications has also launched a community website called Developer Center. The new Developer Center community website provides Workgroups developers, administrators, and users with a place to interact with each other and use the Resource Exchange to share pre-built Forms, plug-and-play Solutions, and example Code Snippets for quickly implementing new functionality in their Workgroups 2010 suite.
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