Offset Printing
Web Offset Association Releases 2009 Resource Directory
Friday 21. August 2009 - The Web Offset Association (WOA) has released its 2009 Resource Directory of suppliers to the offset printing industry in affiliation with Printing Industries of America. This value-added online resource showcases the industry's top suppliers.
The WOA Resource Directory contains contact information, descriptions, the products and services of each company, and most importantly, how they can help printers. This new service will make it easy to search and find a supplier specifically catering to a printer’s needs, creating a great resource for members of WOA and Printing Industries of America.
There are many benefits to being listed in the new online directory. The Web Offset Association, founded in 1952, offers programs and services to web offset printers in all areas, including magazines, catalogs, inserts, direct mail, and general commercial printers. Members of WOA benefit from a continuous exchange of management and technical information on the web offset printing process. Typical WOA members range in sales from $30 million to a $1.3 billion multi-plant.
“As a member of Printing Industries of America and a participant on the Offset Resource Directory, Prism gains visibility to potential customers and industry partners, and as a member of the Web Offset Association, Prism can target its message directly to our target market.”-Tim Daisy, Qtms Sales and Marketing Executive, Prism USA