Saarbrücker Zeitung successfully switches to new ad workflow system
Thursday 23. July 2009 - Third production stage with ppi solutions
From July 2009 ppi’s ad workflow will combine all areas of the ad department at the Saarbrücker Zeitung in a single workflow. All processes in the ad management workflow – from ad booking through reservation and production to pagination and verification – are now automated. ppi Media GmbH, a subsidiary of manroland AG, is also responsible for implementing a standard interface to the newly installed SAP Media solution.
At IFRA Expo 2008 in Amsterdam the Saarbrücker Zeitung commissioned ppi Media to install its ad solution. Along with modules for edition planning and output management, ppis AdPag, AdMan, AdCept and ProPag solutions now optimize the ad management workflow of the highest circulation daily in Saarland. “The joint solution by ppi and SAP offers major savings potential and a transparent, flexible and, above all, secure workflow”, says Dr. Meinhold, CEO of the Saarbrücker Zeitung, substantiating its decision in favor of ppi’s solution.
Unlimited workflow
The Saarbrücker Zeitung is expecting high cost savings due to the fully automated production of ad pages with ppi’s pagination system AdPag and page assembly system ProPag. When the ppi/SAP installation goes live, all ads booked in SAP will be directly available for ad production in AdMan. For ad production an outsourced subsidiary of the SZ is seamlessly integrated in the automated workflow via the AdMan add-on WebLink. Finished ads undergo a preflight check and are then transferred to the customer for approval or correction with AdCept. Following ad production, the ad pages and editorial part-pages are assembled to digital pages by ProPag.
Saarbrücker Zeitung has used ppi solutions since 2001. By replacing its former ad system, its main objective is to link the technical system with the booking system in order to optimize the overall workflow. “I am pleased that the Saarbrücker Zeitung has decided in favor of our solution and am confident that the planned system integration at its subsidiaries in Trier and Cottbus will be quick and cooperative”, says Norbert Ohl, managing director of ppi Media.