Business News
Tieto concludes share repurchase programme
Tuesday 26. May 2009 - Tieto has completed the share repurchase programme of 252 610 shares according to the decision announced on 24 April 2009.
The share repurchases relate to the company’s incentive programme for key personnel announced in December 2008 (Performance Share Plan 2009-2011). Shares were purchased to accomplish and hedge the incentive scheme and they will be used as potential reward payments in accordance with the plan criteria.
Own shares were purchased with the company’s distributable funds thus reducing the company’s distributable non-restricted equity. Shares were purchased at market price in public trading on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki. The average purchase price per share was EUR 10.14393 and the total amount EUR 2 562 459.17.
At the moment, Tieto Corporation holds a total of 540 000 own shares.