
Mittelbayerisches Druckzentrum automates Newspaper Production using ppi Media’s Prepress Workflow

Monday 11. May 2009 - On its way to a more modern newspaper production, the Mittelbayerisches Druckzentrum (Middle Bavarian Printing Center) in Regensburg/Germany has commissioned ppi Media GmbH, a subsidiary of manroland, to install its output management solution, printnet OM. This is being carried out as part of the current installation of the new printing center, equipped with presses and automatic plate loading (APL) from manroland.

The high automated COLORMAN, XXL of the autoprint press series using APL as well as the future spatial separation between the publisher and the printer make it necessary for the publisher of the newspaper Mittelbayerische Zeitung to find an end-to-end, uniform prepress solution. printnet OM automates the working processes: RIP, imaging, production monitoring as well as proofing, and adjusts them, especially to the requirements for APL. In order to produce newspapers quickly and effectively, there will be a clearly defined transition of responsibility in the prepress process between the publishing house and the printing center. printnet OM is used at the publisher’s to deliver plates for contents that have been released via Proof to the printing center where a fully
automated CtP output management is carried out according to the printing time sequence and the requirements of APL technology (sequence for the automatic plate loading process). A solution that saves time and money.

“After the fantastic experiences with page and ad production as well as with printnet OM, it was a logical decision to solve our new challenges using ppi’s expertise,” said Ludwig Grüneisl, CEO of the Mittelbayerisches Druckzentrum, explaining the decision to enhance the functions of printnet OM.
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