
ppi Media expands its position in the UAE

Friday 13. February 2009 - Khaleej Times in Dubai orders printnet OM

Galadari Printing & Publishing L.L.C, publishers of the first English-language daily in Dubai, the Khaleej Times, has commissioned the manroland subsidi-ary ppi Media to install its output management system printnet OM. This in-vestment is aimed at upgrading their existing PECOM workflow with two
manroland CROMOMAN 50 presses with heatset/coldset technology to in-clude the prepress workflow. The joint printnet workflow by manroland and ppi Media will ensure a fully automated, highly efficient production workflow for printing houses – from the delivery of the digital pages through ripping and imaging to printing.
Heinz Anneler, technical director at Galadari Printing & Publishing, said: “In order to meet increasing technical requirements, we have decided to install the printnet workflow from manroland and ppi Media, which will integrate our prepress workflow with standard technology and automate plate production from end to end through intelligent production planning. For our products this means maximum up-to-the-minute news, flexibility and quality, but above all material savings due to automat-ed presetting of the ink density.”

One workflow for all products
Apart from the Khaleej Times, which recently celebrated its 30th anniversary, a number of other 4c magazines and supplements will be produced and inserted in the newspaper using the printnet workflow. printnet OM will control the entire prep-ress workflow, which includes ripping, merging and imaging, and determine and transfer CIP3 data to PECOM for optimum calculation of the ink presets for each page. Existing Fuji RIP and CTP systems are to be integrated in the workflow. Open standard interfaces will allow optimum system integration in line with the company’s requirements. Data will be transferred online from printnet OM to PE-COM, where it will be processed for press production. This includes defining and presetting all the necessary aggregates, as well as selecting the PECOM schemes.

Intelligent output management with printnet OM
At Galadari Printing & Publishing the intelligent printnet output management sys-tem will be based on optimized production plans that will allow automated, priority-driven production for all print products. The printing times and production catalogs of the CROMOMAN 50 are automatically taken into account. Production orders for printing forms are not assigned in the random order in which digital data enters the systems (first in – first out), but in the order in which they are to be printed (first needed – first out).
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