
Axon Adds High-End Capabilities to Its Basic and Mid-Level Sleeving and Tamper Band Applicators

Monday 10. November 2008 - New Capabilities for the EZ-Series and EZ-Seal Applicators Demoed at Pack Expo 2008

xon, a division of Pro Mach and a leading manufacturer of fully automated, heat-shrink labeling, tamper evident banding, and stretch sleeving equipment, announced at Pack Expo 2008 the addition of high-end operator interface and communications capabilities to basic and mid-level EZ-Series and EZ-Seal shrink sleeving and tamper evident banding applicators. (Axon Booth S-2206)
All EZ-Series and EZ-Seal applicators now feature recipe storing capability, which significantly reduces changeover between product runs on the same line. Recipe storing ultimately helps to improve application consistency, lowering waste and increasing productivity and throughput. All EZ-Series and EZ-Seal applicators now offer:
Customizable operator interface screens, programmable function keys, and true touch-screen technology to boost operator productivity
I/O monitoring to shorten troubleshooting time and labor
Multi-level security/password protection to ensure the integrity of programs
Ethernet communications to enable data acquisition and greater integration with plant management systems and processes
“We thought that the price/performance curve on HMI devices and PLCs made this the optimum time for upgrades that deliver high-end capabilities to our basic and mid-level EZ-Series and EZ-Seal applicators,” said Edward Farley, sales manager, Axon. “Where before these units featured a text display interface and Ethernet communications as an option, the applicators now have touch screen interfaces and Ethernet communications as standard features. We believe our customers will find the upgrades both valuable and cost competitive.”
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