Business News

Paul Klebnikov Fund Awards 2008

Friday 07. November 2008 - Prize for Excellence in Journalism to Mikhail Fishman

Axel Springer Russia, the Russian subsidiary of Axel Springer AG, is pleased to announce that Mikhail Fishman, editor-in-chief of «Russky Newsweek» magazine, has been awarded the 2008 Prize for Excellence in Journalism by the Paul Klebnikov Fund. He is thus granted a fellowship to work in U.S. newsrooms for several weeks next year.

Regina von Flemming, CEO of Axel Springer Russia: «We congratulate Mikhail on receiving the award. It is a significant achievement also for the whole team of Russky Newsweek as far as it commemorates independence and professionalism in journalism, which have always been fundamental principles for the magazine».
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