

Pearson Print Studio Manager David Ross with the Screen PlateRite 2055VR and Pearson Print Factory

Tuesday 23. September 2008 - Pearson Print, the Cheshire printer which produces top end work for advertising agencies, has installed a Screen PlateRite 2055VR visible light plate recorder as part of its move to B2 printing market, which it expects will double the size of its operation.

The company thoroughly investigated its options when deciding on a platesetter to supply plates to its brand new five-colour Heidelberg Speedmaster 74 and its existing Speedmaster press. As managing director Simon Pearson explains: “We did extensive testing on a variety of machines before settling on the Screen PlateRite as it was quite simply the best technology.”

Pearson Print’s studio manager David Ross has vast experience with CTP and prepress applications and says: “I believe that the Screen PlateRite system is the most advanced on the market and has fantastic reliability.”

Visible light was the preferred technology because, according to Simon: “With violet you achieve better quality dots, achieving consistency is easier and the speed is much better.” Speed is an essential factor with a large, hungry press and Pearson Print needs to produce at least 20 plates per hour, which the PlateRite 2055VR can comfortably provide. The autoloading option also saves a considerable amount of time. “Taking the manual operation away makes a big difference,” says Simon. “Also the visible light machine is cleaner and better for maintenance. Our previous platesetter, an ECRM, was visible light and we found it easy to look after.”

Previously Pearson Print was a medium-sized B3 company and its move to B2 comes from customer demand. “The size of your press determines the size of your company and completely changes the way you print and the amount of work you can produce,” says Simon. “When you change your set up and move into new markets, to justify the press, the platesetter and other new equipment, you must achieve the turnovers. We are happy and confident that our new investments with allow us to achieve cutting edge quality and help us to remain competitive for years to come.”
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