Business News
Screen: drupa2008 FlashReport Vol.1
Saturday 31. May 2008 - drupa2008 now starts!
The largest printing show “drupa”, called “the Olympics of Printing Industry” that come every 4 years, has come to start again at Düsseldorf, Germany on May 29th .
Referring to the official annoucement, with over 1,800 exhibitors and 400,000 visitors expected, drupa2008 will be bigger than ever before.
Screen holds press conference at drupa with various exciting news.
Screen held the press conference with more than 120 journalists from around the world to announce and show Screen’s activities for drupa2008 and after.
At the begining of this press conference, Kyohei Fujiaswa, the president of Media and Precision Technology Company, Dainippon Screen, gave brief speech to the journalists.
Message from Kyohei Fujisawa
Following is announced in his opening speech at drupa press conference.
“At drupa2008 , Screen introduces the theme of ” Creating a Future in Print”, and as part of this theme we present a new vision that lays the foundation for a future of print in the widest sense.
Today we are pleased to announce Equiosnet, a workflow concept that will allow printers to add value to the work they produce, increase their flexibility of output and provide a more ecological route to production.
Before I hand over to Tim Taylor to tell you more, I would like to finish by announcing a unique and exciting technology that Screen will demonstrate for the first time today and that is a sheet-fed A2 inkjet press that currently has the name of Truepress Jet SX.
We know you have full days of press meetings ahead but we hope you will also find time to visit the SCREEN stand to see the wide range of machines that we are showing and get a sense of the commitment that Screen is making to the graphic arts industry.”