
Robond PRO System, High-Speed Gluing and Fold-Softening Application

Thursday 22. May 2008 - Valco Cincinnati’s Robond PROTM system is a microprocessor-controlled fluid application system for fine-line gluing and precision fold softening.

System features include automatic fluid flow control, motorized remote valve positioning, and unique contact nozzles that offer reduced web friction and clogging. They also prevent buildup of foreign matter while gluing. The fine glue lines applied by RoBond PRO nozzles have well-defined edges that minimize squeeze-out and reduce glue usage over conventional needle nozzles.
The system is controlled by a microprocessor-based, touch-screen operator terminal that allows easy configuration of every aspect of the adhesive and fold-softening application. During press operation, glue patterns and valve positions can be displayed at all times. Fluid volume, as well as the changeover from gluing to softening, can be controlled from the touch-screen.
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